Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Renewable Marriage Contract?!?! Hell NO!!!!!

Sorry for being harsh, but this is how I feel and what I believe in.

I was on my way home when I heard over the radio that there is something as a "Renewable Marriage Contract". I became curious that when I arrived home, i started searching for it until I found it in this link: http://donavictorina.blogspot.com/2010/01/marriage-not-forever.html

I became furious at this because it just shows what society we have now. Moreover, they have forgotten the true essence of marriage, especially for Catholics.

It is our faith and believe that marriage is indissoluble, that is No Human Being has the right to break the bond made and blessed by God alone. It all roots out to the logic that as the love of God to each one of us is unbreakable, our love for husband/wife should also be unbreakable. This is His covenant to us and we, His Children, should do the same to them. No wonder that there are three rings seen in the Couples for Christ logo as it tells us of the marriage between our husband/wife and our marriage with God.

If given the chance, I would like to ask this question to them: Would this solve the marriage problems everywhere, especially in the Philippines? My answer: NO for the main reason that this is a form of escape rather than a solution. Life dictates that whenever we escape on a situation, even how small it is, will haunt us for life unless we face it head on and seek help if needed.

I would somehow like to conclude that truly, the devil has wandered here on earth and is trying his best to take us all out of the love of God. Let us continue to defend the faith which we believe in and stand up for God and His teachings.


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