Here's an article which was sent to me by my dad.
We don’t know why John Paul II wanted to hide this picture for years. The Vatican published this picture recently, for first time. This picture was taken by one of his security guards just when the Pope was attacked and was falling down in his Papalmobil. You can see the pain in his face.
Joaquin Navarro Valls, who is the one spokesman from The Vatican, said that they made a lot of studies for years of this incredible picture and of course about the quality of the developing of the picture because when it was developed nobody could see very well because the image was not clear. Finally, and after so many controls and being looking and checking by all the experts in photography (around the world), they decided that there were no tricks in it and today they give us this beautiful gift from our Mother of God.
You can see the Mother of God holding John Paul II in her arms. Beautiful right?
How many times have we thought that God had left us during our trying times?
How many times have we thought that God was never there during the times when we needed Him? During the times when we never felt God's presence in our lives?
I felt the same way too... many, many times.
But through this picture, it reminded me of how He never forget His promise when He left us:
"And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matthew 28: 20)